John reads from his work-in-progress about the resurgence of old, male, monied American power.
The age of Aquarius is a footnote to our defeat, the hearts and minds of a timid people afraid to doubt too long in mournful night, afraid to be judged before the next battle, always girding to avoid the struggle of darkness and light, the lonely soul in mournful night, the calling cry a wail, then a muster. They choose the slaughter of innocents to a levelling. They chose power. My people prefer the waste of war.
John Tessitore has been a journalist and biographer. He has taught history and literature at colleges around Boston and directed national policy studies on education and civil justice. He serves as Co-Editor Across the Pond for The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press. His poems have appeared in a variety of books and journals. In each episode of Be True, he reads and discusses one of his published poems.
Twitter: @JohnTessitore2
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Facebook: JohnTessitore, Writer
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